#2 Ranked Player in Call of Duty: Vanguard Caught Hacking on Stream

Pplehx, the #2 ranked Vanguard player, has been caught in his stream using what appear to be wall hacks. This occurred when his stream's frame rate dropped and enemy locations appeared suddenly in the game. During the time when his screen lagged, pplehx said that he was “lagging” but his viewers believed otherwise.

The relevant tweet has been deleted or hidden by its owner.

Much to everyone's surprise, pplehx admitted to using wall hacks. He also revealed where he got them and even went as far as saying that he paid for it. The reason why he said all this information is to explain why he was using the hacks in the first place. See the post below.

The relevant tweet has been deleted or hidden by its owner.

Pplehx explained that the reason why he bought the cheats is to speed up the process of unlocking a certain diamond camo. He also claimed that he bought the cheats after he had made his way to becoming the #2 player in the game. He said that he climbed his way to the game’s leaderboards fair and square.

The relevant tweet has been deleted or hidden by its owner.

For now, pplehx has not yet been condemned for his actions. Some have suggested that he should be suspended or banned for his actions since they can’t be certain that he didn’t use the cheats to climb up the ranking ladder.

Many cheaters have affected Call of Duty: Vanguard’s ranking system, making it difficult to make it to the leaderboards. Pplehx’s actions are a clear example.