Genre: Crime drama, Thriller
Year: 2016
Seasons: 1 season, 8 episodes
Indira Varma as DS Nina Suresh
Robert Glenister as DC Bobby Day
Dino Fetscher as DC Alec Wayfield
Neil Stuke as DI Michael Niles
Christiane Paul as Detective Linda Felber
Lesley Sharp as Lucy Cannonbury
Michael Maloney as Chris Crowley
Kevin Doyle as the Ghost Detective
Dominik Tiefenthaler as Detective Walti Merian
Polly Walker as Monica Wayfield
Anjli Mohindra as PC Megan Waters
Danny Huston as Nick Waingrow
In the fictional town of Woodmere, a doctor named Angela Benton is stabbed to death while in a children’s playground. Woodmere Police detectives DS Nina Suresh, DC Bobby Day, DC Alec Wayfield, and DI Michael Niles get assigned to work on the case. They first suspect Jacob Appley, a local who is known to be a mental patient under the care of Dr. Chris Crowley, to be the suspect. But when Appley gets killed, Henry, his brother, is convinced that Appley was only framed and the real killer is still on the loose.
Concurrently, a “Ghost Detective” sends clues and evidence that could help the detectives solve the case. As they continue the investigation, they see a link to Angela’s ex-boyfriend Ruben Lukana. The team cooperates with Dusseldorf’s Linda Feliber to look up Lukana but later on discover that he is face down in his swimming pool. Feliber enlists her partner, Walti Merian, to help with the investigation. A suspect is later on identified but then flees to Germany and a chase ensues.