Anadolufeneri is a village located on a small peninsula. This place was founded in 1658. Anadolufeneri, one of the most famous villages of Beykoz, takes its name from the lighthouse here. This place entered the status of a neighborhood with the decision taken in 2014, but both economic activities and the general environment of the village bring with it a life away from urbanization.
It is thought that the first reason for the establishment of this village was the settlement of those who came to burn the lighthouse located in the village around the village. The exact date the lighthouse was built is not known. According to the researches, the clearest information about the village environment and the lighthouse is that there was a wooden lighthouse in the area in 1755 and this lighthouse was turned into its current form in 1834.
Some of those who live their lives in Anatolia are immigrants from the Caucasus. Some of them are those who came from Crete as soldiers and settled. The most important feature of this place is that it has the last bay at the exit of the Istanbul Strait. For this reason, the point where the Naval Forces control the Strait exits is provided by a radar unit located below the village.
Anadolufeneri had the status of a military region until the late 1980s. It was later partially removed from this status. It is stated that Meliha Elçioğlu, the first and only female mukhtar of Anadolufeneri, has made great contributions to the development of the village. With his works, he has widened the village roads, provided the connection of the municipal bus to the village, renovated the village elementary school building are some of the things he has done.
The protection of Anadolufeneri has ensured the existence of forests and natural life. Gazelles, wild pigs, jackals and various bird species lived in the forests here. A large part of the existing forests have been lost due to the fire, the works in the region and the third bridge.
There is a “Hamid-i Evvel Mosque” built by II Abdulhamit in the village in 1880. At the same time, the Yoros Castle belonging to the Byzantine period is also located here.