The streaming platform released the series' third season trailer yesterday, seeing a time jump nearly ten years ahead, set in the 1990s with everyone set on lading on Mars.
Wrenn Schmidt starring Margo Madison, claims in the trailer, 'We're not going to place second again.' The previous season saw Margo's promotion to director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston from the first woman engineer in Mission Control.
The events of the trailer unravel to the 1994 soundtrack Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden. The query of who gets to Mars first is not the only concern the competitors face as they have to overcome challenges such as searching for water on the dust blanketed planet.
Joel Kinnaman starring Ed Baldwin, says, 'The survival of my crew depends on it.' Ed is the commander of Apollo 10 and Apollo 15 and the pioneer of NASA's future generation space shuttle Pathfinder.
As the 2-minute clip comes to an end, astronaut Danielle Poole (Krys Marshall) says, “It is only the beginning.” She is NASA’s first black astronaut and U.S. Commander of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.