Set in the 80s, Shantaram centers on a heroin addict and a runaway, Lin Ford, who successfully escapes an Australian prison where he is jailed for robbery. To start a new life, Lin finds himself in the streets of Bombay in the 1980s when the society is full of runaways like him, gangsters, and beggars, and starts as a doctor in disguise.
Running a clinic in one of the poorest slums of Bombay, Lin later gets involved in his old ways, becoming a part of the local criminals. Everything becomes more complex when one falls for an Indian lady, Karla- we all know how hard it is for criminals to find and maintain love.
Apple TV Plus' most-recent trailer presents all the details in glimpses of 2 minutes and 24 seconds from Lin's life in prison, torture, and how he managed to escape, followed by events which continue to haunt him in dreams even after his newly found 'freedom.'
The trailer proceeds to Lin's new life in Bombay, where everyone starts fresh when he finds love and the dirty deeds of the street gangsters. There is so much you can't afford to miss.