In an interview conducted by journalist Zeynep Oral for Milliyet Sanat Magazine, Aziz Nesin defined humor, the artist, and art as follows:
'...When I say humor, I mean humor that serves a beneficial purpose for the people... The factor that led me to become a humor writer was the conditions of that period. In short, humor is a form of expressing anger, resentment, and vengeance that arise from a life of deprivation and poverty... Not everyone who faces difficulties and suffering becomes a humorist, but these harsh conditions develop a person's sense of humor... As the necessary individual condition for the development of a humorist is apparent, humor is destructive. If a humorist can direct their resentments, hatred, malice, anger, and vengeance consciously towards a target that truly needs to be destroyed and use humor as a weapon for the benefit of the people, they become a positive destructive force... As a writer with class consciousness, one inevitably knows that they are controlled and that they are self-controlled. To control a writer or an artist who has class consciousness is beyond the authority of any politician or director... The function of art?... On this matter, I have thoughts that differ from others... Provided that an artist identifies themselves with their own class, the function of art is to exclude, affirm, and reveal oneself. Since they identify themselves with their class, by describing themselves, they also describe their class.'