The film revolves around Belgin Sarılmışer, a young and gifted music enthusiast who aspires to leave her mark on the world of music. Despite facing financial struggles alongside her mother Sabahat, Belgin's unyielding determination leads her to the esteemed Ankara State Conservatory. As she navigates life's challenges and yearns for her absent father, Belgin's path leads her to unexpected places, from a job at the post office to the glamorous world of music stages.
As Belgin transforms into the celebrated singer 'Bergen,' her life becomes a whirlwind of fame, love, and heartbreak. Her tumultuous relationship with her husband, portrayed by Erdal Beşikçioğlu, adds layers of complexity to her story. The film delves into Bergen's trials, triumphs, and the harrowing domestic abuse she endures, shedding light on the darker facets of fame and personal relationships.