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Beyond the Walls: A Global Tour of Allegedly Haunted Castles

Kapak Görseli

When we think of a castle, we think of it as the main center of a city or town. But in this article, some of them have been the subject of the scariest stories, while others have witnessed a tragic death. Let's take a look at castles from around the world that are believed to be scary or haunted

Leap Castle - Ireland

Leap Castle - Ireland Görseli

Built in the 13th century, Leap Castle is better known as a haunted castle. According to legend, there was a deadly power struggle between the O'Carrols in the 16th century. After the death of the patriarch, one of the family even killed his brother, a priest, to seize power. Today, visitors to the castle claim to have seen a priest walking around the Bloody Chapel.

Houska Castle - Czech Republic

Houska Castle - Czech Republic Görseli

According to the story of Houska Castle, which has a feature that no other castle in the world has, there is a big hole in the castle, which is said to be a gateway to Hell. According to local knowledge, the castle was built over the bottomless abyss to close this hole, preventing demons from escaping and coming to Earth.

Bran Castle - Romania

According to vampire speculations, author Bram Stoker was influenced by Vlad Tepeş, aka Vlad the Impaler, while reading in this castle for his book. It is known that Vlad the Impaler, who gave life to the Transylvanian Count Dracula, stayed in this castle several times during his travels. This situation makes this castle, which is an inspiration for horror stories, even more terrifying. The gothic architecture of the castle was built in 1212.

Himeji Castle - Japan

Himeji Castle, which has survived from the 17th century to the present day in Japan, is considered one of the most beautiful examples of architecture in the region. As beautiful as it is, the castle also has a somewhat dark history. According to the legend of the castle, a woman named Okiku is accused of unintentionally losing or breaking valuable dishes in the castle. As punishment, she was thrown into the well and drowned. Today, visitors go to the castle in the hope of seeing Okiku's ghost wandering the halls and counting the plates.

Moosham Castle - Austria

Moosham Castle is actually the site of a series of horrific events.  Dozens of people were tortured and executed in the castle after being accused of witchcraft. Centuries later, cattle and deer roaming the estate were mysteriously found dead. The local inhabitants were thought to be werewolves and were also killed. Today, visitors to the castle say they hear strange noises, see unusual footprints and feel something breathing over their shoulders.

Casa Loma - Canada

Casa Loma castle is a castle that is well known for appearing in various TV shows and movies such as X-Men (2000), Scott Pilgrim and The World. But the castle's fame is not just for the shows but for a woman dressed in white wandering the hall. Visitors who come to see the castle say they hear the voice of an old man. It is even thought that this voice is the first owner of the castle and haunts the castle.

Voergaard Castle - Denmark

Ingeborg Skeel, a Danish noblewoman, moved to Voergaard Castle in 1578. Rumor has it that shortly after she made the castle her home, she drowned its architect to prevent him from building a more beautiful castle. Today, it is said that what is seen in the castle is not life but Skell's ghost. Another creepy feature of the castle is that one of the dungeons is built in such a way that an adult human being can neither stand up nor lie down in it, and there is not a single hole for light or air.

Edinburgh Castle - Scotland

It is not surprising that there is a haunted castle in Scotland because of its gloomy weather. Edinburgh Castle is one of the most important buildings in Edinburgh. According to legend, the voice of a young piper who disappeared hundreds of years ago can still be heard in the halls of the castle. Visitors to Edinburgh Castle also claim to have seen people dressed in wartime costumes and the ghost of a dog.

Chillingham Castle - England

Chillingham Castle has a long and grim history. Many visitors say that unfortunate spirits haunt the castle. One of the most common incidents involves a 'Blue Boy' who is believed to live in the pink room of the building. People claim to hear a child dressed in blue crying in the middle of the night. Some guests have even reported seeing bursts of blue light, so the spooky apparition is also known as the 'Shining Boy'.

London Castle - England

The 12th century London Castle in England has seen many deaths in its long history. The ghosts of some high-profile prisoners are said to haunt the castle. Anne Boleyn is believed to be one of the most visible ghosts in the castle, haunting the place where she lost her head. There are also those who say that Anne Boleyn and many other ghosts still haunt the castle today.

Eltz Castle - Germany

Eltz Castle, one of the haunted castles, looks like a fairy tale building nestled among the wooded hills. However, the 12th-century castle is remembered not for its beauty but for its ghosts. One of the most eerie rooms in the castle is Agnes Eltz's bedroom from the 16th century. It is said that Eltz, who was killed by a knight while defending her home during the occupation of the castle, still wanders the corridors and stays in her room.

Bhangarh Castle - India

Bhangarh Castle, where it is forbidden to enter the castle after sunset, is a hotbed of paranormal phenomena. There are many rumors about the castle and the one thing they all have in common is that you should never, ever even walk around the castle after sunset. It is believed that you can still hear screams and voices of dying people.