Yılmaz (played by Uğur Güneş), an orphan, and Züleyha (portrayed by Hilal Altınbilek), who assists as a tailor while also financially supporting her gambler sibling, embark on a romantic journey from the series' very first episode. Their passionate romance is disrupted by unforeseen events on an unsuspecting night, leading them to the Yaman Estate. The protective Hünkar (Vahide Perçin), safeguarding her late husband's legacy, and her son Demir (Murat Ünalmış), mending from an unfortunate marital past, find their lives intertwined due to this development, largely influenced by the estate's steward, Gaffur (Bülent Polat). As Yılmaz and Züleyha commence their roles at the Yaman Estate in the inaugural episode, an unexpected falsehood from Züleyha turns their world upside down. Launching in Istanbul and journeying to Adana via a historic train, the episode ushers viewers into a vibrant tale inspired by the rich culture and melodies of yesteryear's Turkey.