IMDb: 8
The story of the Guardians of the Galaxy revolves around a group of quirky characters fighting against villains threatening the universe. Peter Quill, a brave adventurer known as Star-Lord, steals a mysterious orb that makes him the target of Ronan, a powerful, ambitious, and passionate villain. As Quill tries to save himself from Ronan's clutches, he suddenly finds himself in an odd and mismatched team: Star-Lord, the raccoon Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), the armed raccoon Roket, the tree-like Groot, the deadly green woman Gamora, and the revengeful Drax. This quintet is known as the Guardians of the Galaxy and must figure out how to deal with the powerful orb and their pursuers. Directed by James Gunn and adapted from Marvel's 'Guardians of the Galaxy' comic, the film stars Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, and Zoe Saldana.