Brian Cox Blames Marvel for Ruining Cinema in Shocking New Statement

Brian Cox, the acclaimed star of 'Succession,' has unleashed a scathing critique on Marvel, blaming the franchise for the decline of cinema. Discover the explosive details behind his bold claims and what this could mean for the future of film!

Brian Cox has recently made some provocative comments about the state of cinema.

He is known for his roles as Agamemnon in 'Troy,' Jack Langrishe in 'Deadwood,' and Logan Roy in 'Succession.'

The 78-year-old actor has attributed the visible decline of the film industry to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Speaking at the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Brian Cox cited Marvel's box office hits, including the recent 'Deadpool' and 'Wolverine,' as examples of this issue.

He added,

'Television is now doing what cinema used to do. I think cinema is in a very bad place. Movies have lost the ability to create compelling storylines in pursuit of box office success. Hollywood has lost its originality and is collapsing. Unfortunately, we are now seeing the same things over and over in cinema.'

Currently renowned worldwide for his role in "Succession," Brian Cox had previously appeared in the Marvel film "X2: X-Men United" in 2003, where he played William Stryker.

The Emmy-winning Scottish actor is now questioning if, as he claims, cinema has been ruined by Marvel. What do you think of Brian Cox's critique of Marvel? Has cinema truly suffered because of it?