The eagerly anticipated series 'El Turco,' starring the dashing Can Yaman, has concluded the filming of its first season, consisting of six episodes, for Disney Plus. Directed by Uluç Bayraktar, the series revolves around the captivating journey of Yeniçeri Balaban Hasan, brought to life by the charismatic Can Yaman. 'El Turco' boasts an impressive international cast, featuring talents such as Italian actress Greta Ferro, Irish actor Kieran O'Reilly, Swedish actor Magnus Samuelsson, British actor Will Kemp, Croatian actor Slavko Sobin, British actor David Nykl, British actor Nigel Pilkington, British actress Sai Bennett, Portuguese actress Madalena Aragão, and two Turkish actors, Uğur Yıldıran and Armağan Oğuz.