A word of caution- playing this game once is enough to get you hooked. After all, the restriction of you not being able to play more than one round per day keeps the player in constant anticipation of the next day- what word will it be? In how many tries can I guess it? How many seconds, or minutes will I need to get the word right?
If you are already hooked, then you will need some tips. It will come almost natural to ask, Does Wordle use words with two (or more) same letters?
The short answer is YES. Wordle certainly doubles up on certain letters, but not without a few rules.
After all, there are only two cardinal rules in Wordle- first, that the words have to be legitimate words in the English language and second, that they should only have five letters.
Some commonly used first guesses include ABBEY, BANAL, EVADE, KARMA, NAVAL and SERVE.
But how does one strategize and determine if the word for the day has a recurring letter?
Here are some tips:
Remember, everytime you misrepeat a letter, the second letter’s tile will remain grey. So if the word you are guessing only has one A but you put two A’s in your guess, then only one A will appear either yellow or green- yellow meaning the letter is accurate, and green, meaning the letter is not only accurate but is in the correct place in the word’s spelling.
Vowels tend to repeat more often in words than consonants.
Happy Wordl-ing!