The MMO, officially known as Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine, was first released in Japan in 2007. Subsequently, the developers released the game to Americans a year after, then to European players a year after that. Unfortunately, the company behind the IP decided to “kill off” the semi-famous MMORPG way back in May 2016, which was less than a decade after it was officially released.
Fortunately for its fans, Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine saw a revival as Imagine Online four years after its death in the hands of Atlus. The game was revived in 2020 by other dedicated fans who hosted their own servers to keep the game from being available to players. These dedicated fans not only provided the servers for the game itself, but they also built a website and created a launcher to preserve (or at least show the illusion of) the genuine “feel” of the now-dead MMORPG.