February 25, 2022, marks the epic release of an unforgiving new adventure, Elden Ring. While FromSoft games have always been loved, bought, and played by fans, Elden Ring has reached a whole new level when it comes to sales. We’re talking Call of Duty levels of popularity and it’s still rising.
According to NPD, a company that mainly provides game-focused research and statistics, Elden Ring has become February’s best-selling game and also 2022’s best-seller so far. FromSoftware’s latest title is also their fastest-selling game ever.
Elden Ring has sold so well since its release that according to the latest data from NPS, it has become the second best-selling game of not only 2022, but the past 12 months! Call of Duty: Vanguard takes first place but being next to it is still an amazing feat that completely shocked fans and critics.