"Eleanor the Great": Scarlett Johansson's Directorial Debut Unveiled

Scarlett Johansson, acclaimed actress, steps into the realm of directing with her debut feature film, 'Eleanor the Great.' The movie revolves around the character Eleanor, portrayed by June Squibb, who decides to make significant changes in her life. With a talented cast including Chiwetel Ejiofor, Erin Kellyman, and Jessica Hecht, the film explores Eleanor's transformative journey.

Scarlett Johansson's Directorial Debut: "Eleanor the Great"

Actress Scarlett Johansson ventures into the director's chair for the first time with 'Eleanor the Great.' Originally titled 'Eleanor, Invisible,' the film brings together a stellar cast, including June Squibb, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Erin Kellyman, and Jessica Hecht. The screenplay, penned by Tory Kamen, known for her work on 'The Mick' series, sets the stage for Eleanor's life-altering decisions.

Plot: A Journey of Transformation

The narrative of 'Eleanor the Great' revolves around the character Eleanor Morgenstein, a ninety-year-old played by June Squibb. Eleanor, after spending numerous years in Florida, makes the bold decision to move to New York following the death of her closest friend. Determined and unyielding, Eleanor views her age as no hindrance to embracing change.

Cast and Crew: A Collaboration of Talented Artists

The film brings together a talented ensemble cast, with June Squibb in the lead, supported by Chiwetel Ejiofor, Erin Kellyman, and Jessica Hecht. The collaboration aims to capture the essence of Eleanor's character and her journey of self-discovery.

Production Details: Anticipation Surrounding Filming Dates

While the specific dates for the film's production remain undisclosed, the mere announcement of 'Eleanor the Great' has already sparked considerable interest. Scarlett Johansson's transition from acting to directing adds an extra layer of anticipation to the project.