Four college students, Amy, Danny, Gerry and Loretta, are on the verge of a great discovery in quantum physics to prove that multiverses exist. In a bid to complete the experiment, tragedy strikes when Loretta succumbs in a grisly car accident.
However, five months later, when the three remaining colleagues strive to move on with their lives and forget the work they'd begun, Loretta surprisingly returns. She's brisking with life, completely unaware that she was dead for months. The trio is awed and wonders if they'd lost their collective minds, but they soon come face to face with their doubles seemingly from the multiverse. Things get violent and messy as the students discover that only one version of them can exist in the present universe.
Would you vote to watch Multiverse? 72% of the audience on Movie Insider give a resounding yes, awarding the movie a score of 3.45/5.