The Chef Show is a two-season cooking show presented by Jon Favreau and Roy Choi for Netflix. The first season of The Chef Show premiered in June 2019, followed by season two, which landed on September 2020. Favreau teamed with Choi on a journey to present the best cuisine dishes in the most entertaining way possible.
The pair also engaged several guests across the two seasons, including Dave Chang, Robert Downey Jr., Seth Rogen, and Andrew Rea. Other guest stars included Tom Holland, Bill Blurr, Spencer Gomez, Daniel Vaughn, Wolfgang Puck, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Aaron Franklin.
The Chef Show is created and chiefly produced by Jon Favreau, who also served as the director. The documentary was hosted by Favreau, while Annie Johnson co-chief produces. The Chef Show is a Fairview Entertainment project.
The Netflix cooking documentary managed an outstanding 8.2 out of 10-star rating on IMDb and a 94% audience score, with a 100% Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes. If there's a cooking show that should keep your festive season occupied, then that's The Chef Show.