Released by Paramount Pictures on January 12 2001, Save The Last Dance follows seventeen-year-old ballet dancer Sara Johnson (Julia Stiles), who goes to live with her estranged dad after the sudden demise of her mother. Sara feels haunted by her mom's passing as she was rushing to get to her daughter's dance audition for Juilliard School.
Forced to start high school life in a totally different background, aka the hood, from her former suburban Chicago, Sara makes some friends, including Chenille Reynolds and her brother Derek, who they later date.
A beautiful dance and loving partnership between Sara and Derek develop, where he helps her prep for her new Juilliard audition and also get in the pocket of hip hop dance. However, external forces make the couple question the essence of their relationship and the meaning of friendship.
Sara has to overlook the white girl privilege topic to be with Derek, while he, on the other hand, must decide whether defending his honor in a criminal gang is worth risking his life.