'Godfather of AI' Geoffrey Hinton Warns: AI Could Erase Jobs

Geoffrey Hinton, widely regarded as the 'father of artificial intelligence,' has issued a stark warning about the potential for AI to eliminate numerous jobs. Hinton argues that governments should address the impact of AI-induced inequality by establishing a universal basic income. Find out more about his insights and recommendations below. 👇

Geoffrey Hinton, known as the "father of artificial intelligence," suggests that the government should create a universal basic income to tackle the impact of AI on inequality.

In an interview with BBC Newsnight, Professor Geoffrey Hinton stated that a social welfare reform providing a fixed amount of cash to every citizen is needed because he is "very worried about AI taking away many common jobs."

"People from Downing Street consulted me, and I told them that universal basic income is a good idea," he said.

While AI is expected to increase productivity and income, Hinton warned that the money would go to the wealthy instead of those losing their jobs, which would be detrimental to society.

Hinton highlighted that recent developments have shown governments' reluctance to curb the military use of AI.

He noted that the competition to quickly develop products poses the risk of tech companies 'not putting enough effort into safety.'

Hinton reiterated that governments have shown reluctance to curb AI's military use, emphasizing the risks of tech companies prioritizing rapid development over safety.

Professor Hinton estimated a 50% chance that within five to twenty years, we will face the issue of AI trying to seize control.

'This would pose an 'existential threat' to humans because we may have created a form of intelligence superior to biological intelligence... This would be a bad situation for us.'

He also mentioned that AI could 'evolve,' 'gain the motivation to do more than it currently does,' and independently develop a goal to 'take control.'