Renowned author Harlan Coben, known for his gripping narratives, is set to captivate audiences once again with the upcoming limited series, 'Lazarus,' in collaboration with Danny Brocklehurst, on Amazon's Prime Video channel. Following the success of his Netflix series 'Fool Me Once,' Coben is ready to unfold a new mystery. The series stars Sam Claflin as an investigative psychologist entangled in a web of unsolved crimes after returning home following his father's tragic suicide. With Bill Nighy portraying the deceased father and Alexandra Roach as Claflin's on-screen sister, the show promises a compelling cast. Coben's previous Netflix venture boasted a star-studded ensemble, including Richard Armitage and Michelle Keegan, exploring the enigmatic story of Maya as she unravels the mystery behind her husband's death and sudden resurrection. As anticipation builds for 'Lazarus,' Coben continues to solidify his reputation for delivering suspenseful and intriguing narratives.