Have You Ever Seen This Man In Your Dreams?

In the mysterious realms of the internet, urban legends and viral stories often captivate our collective imagination. One such intriguing tale that emerged in January 2006 revolves around a fictional character known as 'This Man.' The story begins in New York, where a patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man who repeatedly appears in her dreams, offering advice on her private life. What unfolds is a web of shared dreams, where individuals claim to have encountered the same mysterious figure. This narrative, however, is not a documentation of real events but rather a cleverly crafted internet meme. In this exploration, we delve into the curious case of 'This Man,' unraveling the fictional threads that weave this captivating story and examining its impact on the online landscape.

The Emergence of "This Man":

In the early days of 2006, a story surfaced on the internet that intrigued and puzzled many. According to the narrative, a patient of a prominent psychiatrist in New York drew a portrait of a man who had been a recurring presence in her dreams. Strangely, this mysterious figure not only appeared in her dreams but also provided advice on her personal life. The woman insisted she had never met this man in her waking life, raising questions about the nature of the subconscious and the boundaries between dreams and reality.

The Forgotten Portrait:


The portrait of 'This Man' lay forgotten on the psychiatrist's desk until another patient recognized the face. Astonishingly, this second patient claimed that the same man had visited him in his dreams, offering guidance and insight. Just like the first patient, he insisted that he had never encountered this man in his waking life. The psychiatrist, intrigued by this peculiar connection, decided to send the portrait to colleagues who had patients experiencing recurrent dreams.

A Network of Shared Dreams:

Within a few months, the psychiatrist received responses from four colleagues, each reporting that their patients recognized 'This Man' as a frequent presence in their dreams. The patients, spread across different locations, all described encounters with the same mysterious figure. The collective term 'This Man' became the identifier for the shared dream character, creating an interconnected narrative that extended beyond individual dreamscapes.

The Creation of a Myth:

Despite the compelling storyline and the apparent convergence of dreams, the entire narrative surrounding 'This Man' is a fictional creation. The story was part of a viral marketing campaign for a website called 'thisman.org.' The website purported to be a platform where individuals could share their experiences of encountering the same man in their dreams. However, the true purpose of the website was to explore how information spreads on the internet and how people react to mysterious and captivating narratives.

The Role of "This Man" Website:

The website featured a collection of dream accounts, all sharing the common thread of encountering 'This Man.' Visitors were encouraged to submit their own stories, contributing to the illusion of a widespread phenomenon. The fictional nature of the project was revealed on the website, acknowledging its role as an experiment rather than a documentation of real events. The experiment aimed to study the dynamics of online storytelling, the creation of myths, and the propagation of shared narratives.

Understanding the Psychology Behind the Story:

The fascination with stories like 'This Man' can be attributed to the human tendency to seek patterns and connections, even in the realm of dreams. The narrative plays on the universal experiences of dreaming, the mysterious nature of the subconscious, and the intrigue surrounding shared phenomena. It taps into our collective curiosity about the unknown and the blurred boundaries between the waking and dream states.

Impact and Legacy:

The 'This Man' story quickly gained traction across the internet, sparking discussions, debates, and even concerns among those who questioned the authenticity of the accounts. The project successfully demonstrated how a well-crafted story, combined with the viral nature of online sharing, could capture the imagination of a global audience.