Menudo: Forever Young via HBO Max chronicles the dark days the boy crew suffered through. Created in 1977, the initial Menudo lineup comprised a trio of brothers, Ricky, Óscar, and Carlos Meléndez, and another pair of brothers Nefty and Fernando Sallabery.
It was constantly changing members, a move that would later bring issues in the band. The crew's heyday comprised Ricky Meléndez, Ray Reyes, Charlie Masso, Xavier Serbiá, Miguel Cancel, René Farrait, and Johnny Lozada. Other performers included Draco Rosa and Ricky Martin.
Issues started in the 1990s when questions regarding the band's manager, Edgardo Diaz, started to surface. Band members and their close ones came forward to declare sexual misconduct between the musicians and the manager- the centre of the HBO Max documentary.
Intimate interviews with former Menudo members allow the victims to share what happened behind the cameras.