Are you looking for a solution and want to learn how to fix 'Age Protected' error on Tiktok?
Currently, some TikTok videos are blocked from viewing with a splash screen asserting that the post is age-protected. While this may appear to be a bug at first, it is actually a new feature designed to shield the platform's young audience from being exposed to material that is deemed inappropriate for their age. In February, the platform began testing the aforementioned function, which categorizes content in a manner comparable to how movies and video games are categorized according to the degree of mature content they have.
In order to categorize videos for young viewers, particularly those between the ages of 13 and 17, it is intended to create an internal classification system. The content sensitivity rating that shows in users' feeds can also be changed on Instagram using a similar mechanism. With a similar change that, at first glance, can seem to be a bug, TikTok is imitating the strategy of its arch-rival.