Monsters and Men (2018) revolves around a young father witnessing an unarmed black man, who is also his friend, being shot by police. The incident affects three blacks, a police officer, a young baseball icon and a dad- in different ways.
It all begins when police pull over Dennis Williams (John D. Washington) but ignore them since he’s also a cop. Manny is applying for an unfortunately delayed job due to a convicted felon in another scene.
He later hangs out with his buddies when a cop shows up amidst their dice game. A group of six cops are trying to arrest Darius (Manny’s friend), who trades cigarettes. A cop shoots and kills Darius during these alterations as Manny entirely records the incident on his phone.
The cops later deny the allegations in a newspaper and accuse Darius of attempting to reach for their gun first. Two officers approach Manny during his park time on a mission to persuade him not to unveil the video. Manny shares the story with his wife and urges her to shut it in favor of his new anticipated job.
A suspicious vehicle is parked near Manny’s apartment but leaves as soon as he approaches. He is now tired of these games and decides to unveil the video to the internet. Not long after the release, Manny is arrested by the same cops who tried to persuade him not to tell out.
Imagine how messy it’s about to get here- don’t imagine anymore as Monsters and Men (2018) is now available for streaming on Hulu since March 28.