The Turkish series 'İçerde,' or 'Insider' in English, revolves around Sarp, a determined young man attending Police Academy with a dream to honor his mother and find justice for his wrongly imprisoned father. However, his plans take an unexpected turn when he becomes an undercover policeman working to spy on the mobster Celal. As Sarp and his former classmate, Mert, get entangled in a cat-and-mouse game, they must unveil the 'rat' within their organizations without revealing their true identities. The series promises an intense and suspenseful journey filled with secrets and betrayals.
As the plot progresses, viewers witness the intense struggles faced by Sarp and Mert. Will Sarp reveal his true identity to his family and seek justice for his father? Will he manage to find his long-lost brother? Can Mert discover that Sarp is actually working undercover to spy on Celal? Will Yusuf succeed in capturing Celal with Sarp's assistance? 'İçerde' promises an enthralling and suspenseful journey filled with twists and turns, as these young police officers navigate a dangerous world of secrets and betrayals.