IMDb: 8.8
Peaky Blinders, a crime drama starting in 1919 in the English city of Birmingham, centers on a complex Irish Traveler and Romani family. The story focuses on the Peaky Blinders street gang and its ambitious, cunning crime boss, Tommy Shelby. The first series concludes on December 3, 1919, during the 'Black Star Day' event, where the Peaky Blinders plan to seize the betting pitches at the Worcester Races. The second series occurs as the Peaky Blinders continue to expand criminal organizations in the 'South and North,' defending the gang's central base in Birmingham. The third series is set in 1924, and Tommy and his gang venture into the international arena, entering a more dangerous world. The fourth series begins on Christmas Eve 1925 and ends with Tommy being elected as a Member of Parliament in May 1926, concluding with the end of the general strike in May 1926. The fifth series is set between October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday), and December 7, 1929. The sixth series starts on December 5, 1933, after the repeal of Prohibition. Tommy must contend with the plots of Mosley, as well as threats from the Irish Mafia and the Anti-Treaty IRA.