In Spite of Love (İnadına Aşk) is a captivating Turkish romantic comedy drama that is filled with love, passion, hatred, and playful twists. The story revolves around Defne, the daughter of a family from the Black Sea region, who starts working for Yalın, the handsome and flirtatious CEO of Aras Technology. With completely contrasting personalities, Defne and Yalın initially despise each other, leading to constant clashes and conflicts. However, the plot takes an unexpected turn when Defne's macho brother, Çınar, intervenes, and chaos ensues as he falls in love with Yalın's sister, Yeşim. In Spite of Love, which aired from July 2, 2015, to February 3, 2016, on FOX, is a delightful romantic comedy series that kept viewers entertained throughout its 32 episodes.