Black Bird is grounded on actual events. The series centers on Big Jim Keene’s (a highly reputable police officer) son, Jimmy, before and during his time in prison. It all starts when the ex-football star, Jimmy, is jailed for ten years in a minimal-security prison.
However, Jimmy is forced to gamble for his life with two options- to befriend Larry, a murder suspect serving his term in the criminally insane’s maximum-security prison, or to undertake his complete sentence at the initial prison without parole.
To prosecute Larry, Jimmy must risk his life to get him to confess. Will Jimmy manage this life-threatening task, or is Larry pulling him down? Find out on Friday, July 8th on Apple Tv+.
In an interview with, Taron Egerton (Jimmy) said, “Larry and I are two characters that adore each other intensely, but mostly involved in ruining each other’s plans. It was a varied connection on the page, making the entire story interesting.”