Released on July 28 1994, The Mask centers on Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey), a hopeless romantic cartoon-loving bank clerk who is frequently ridiculed by everyone in town except his colleague and best friend Charlie Schumaker (Richard Jeni) and his Jack Russell Milo.
Stanley falls for Tina Carlyle (Cameron Diaz), a beautiful singer who goes to the bank to open an account, disguising her intention of scouting the layout for her robber boyfriend, Dorian Tyrell (Peter Greene), planning to rob the bank.
Stanley wishes to approach Tina but feels down on his luck. However, he stumbles upon a mysterious mask that when put on, transforms him into a cartoonish character with amplified abilities.
His queer fantasy character not only lands him in hot soup with the police but also with a gang of criminals led by Dorian. On the bright side, both Stanley and his masked character manage to score with Tina.