The Creature Cases is a British-French kids-family and action-adventure show following two special agents, Kit, and Sam, as they navigate across the planet earth to solve puzzles of the animal kingdom. The pair uses their detective skills and zoology knowledge throughout the mission.
Season one of The Creature Cases saw Sam and Kit collect clues to find several suspects across the kingdom, from who bit the express train’s operator, the missing mice squad, the lost bee to the fruit snatcher, and the missing baby monkey, among other mysteries.
The upcoming season of The Creature Cases will proceed with more puzzles to be solved by the duo. It starts with Sam and Kit finalizing a case near the North Pole involving a lost reindeer.
On the other side, the other animals organize a gift for the pair when it returns. Scenes at the North Pole are challenging but never a reason for Sam and Kit to give up. You cannot afford to miss the entire mission when the season premieres.