The series revolves around the passionate love story between Kurt Seyit Eminof, a Crimean Turkish soldier, and Şura (Alexandra Julianovna Verjenskaya), a noblewoman from a wealthy Russian family. Kurt Seyit, the eldest son of a Crimean Turkish family, idolizes his father and becomes one of the Tsar's most distinguished officers. He dreams of marrying a Turkish girl. Meanwhile, Şura, the youngest daughter of a noble Russian family, is unhappy due to her father's terminal illness. In search of treatment, Şura and her sister Valentina travel to Petrograd (St. Petersburg), where they become guests of Petro, Kurt Seyit's former comrade-in-arms. Petro secretly harbors animosity towards Kurt Seyit and acts as a catalyst for their fateful encounter.
At a social event, Kurt Seyit and Şura meet for the first time and instantly fall in love. Their love story faces numerous obstacles, including Petro's schemes and the turbulent historical events that surround them. As they navigate through war, political unrest, and their own identities, Kurt Seyit and Şura's relationship is put to the test. The series takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster, showcasing the resilience and power of love amidst adversity.