Leyla Gencer - La Diva Turca: The Turkish Diva of Opera

Leyla Gencer, born Ayşe Leyla Çeyrekgil on October 10, 1928, in Polonezköy, Turkey, was a renowned Turkish opera singer. Regarded as one of the most significant sopranos of the 20th century, she gained international fame under various names such as 'La Diva Turca,' 'La Gencer,' and 'La Regina.' Throughout her illustrious career, she captivated audiences with her performances in renowned opera houses and recitals in cities like Milan, Rome, Paris, Vienna, and Buenos Aires, among others. Known for her powerful interpretations of roles such as Lucia, Norma, Lady Macbeth, Queen Elizabeth, Tosca, Lucrezia, Madam Butterfly, Alceste, Aida, Violetta, and Leonora, Leyla Gencer left an indelible mark on the opera world. Her repertoire encompassed 72 works by 23 composers. Leyla Gencer was honored as a State Artist by the Republic of Turkey.

Early Life and Family

Leyla Gencer was born in Polonezköy in 1928. Her father, Hasanzade İbrahim Bey, hailed from a Muslim family with roots in Safranbolu, and her mother, Alexandra Angela Minakovska, was from a Polish Catholic family. Her family later adopted the surname 'Çeyrekgil.' After her mother married İbrahim Bey and converted to Islam, she took the name Atiye. Leyla Gencer later mentioned in an interview, 'I come from a Muslim and oriental background.'

Her father, İbrahim Bey, engaged in farming, fishing, transportation, and the management of Çubuklu Water Company. He also took charge of the Lale Cinema and owned properties in Karaköy. Leyla lost her father at a young age. In 1946, she married a wealthy banker named İbrahim Gencer, adopting the surname Gencer.


Leyla Gencer completed her education at the Istanbul Italian High School and received vocal training at the Istanbul State Conservatory for a period of time. At the conservatory, she studied under renowned French teachers Reine Gelenbevi, acclaimed conductor Muhittin Sadak, and composer Cemal Reşit Rey. After meeting the famous Italian soprano Giannina Arangi-Lombardi, who came to Turkey to teach at the Ankara State Conservatory, Leyla Gencer discontinued her studies in Istanbul and continued her training in Ankara as Arangi-Lombardi's private student. She joined the chorus of the Ankara State Theatre (opera was under the theater's jurisdiction) and began her career there.

Opera Career

Leyla Gencer's opera career took off when she was cast in the role of Santuzza in the opera 'Cavalleria rusticana,' which premiered in Ankara in 1950 while she was serving as a chorister at the Ankara State Theatre.

During her time at the Ankara State Opera from 1950 to 1958, Leyla Gencer became one of the most prominent performers in recitals held for state guests. She gave recitals for dignitaries such as U.S. Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower, Yugoslavian Marshal Tito, Iranian Shah Riza Pahlavi and his wife Princess Soraya, and King Hussein of Jordan.

International Recognition

In 1953, Leyla Gencer traveled to Rome for a recital as part of a cultural agreement between Turkey and Italy. This concert was broadcast live on radio throughout Italy. Following the success of this performance, she had the opportunity to take on leading roles in the opera 'Cavalleria rusticana' staged at the Naples Summer Festival. In the subsequent season, she received an offer to perform leading roles in Eugenio Onegin and Madam Butterfly at the famous San Carlo Opera House in Naples. Leyla Gencer's international opera journey thus began, and her success in Madam Butterfly earned her the nickname 'Napolili Türk' (Turkish singer of Naples). Her achievements continued with the role of Violetta in 'La Traviata' at the San Carlo Opera House, where she performed under the baton of Herbert von Karajan and in cities such as Palermo, Trieste, Ankara, Turin, Warsaw, Poznan, Lodi, Krakow, Vienna State Opera, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Moscow, and Leningrad. In 1956, when the renowned soprano Renata Tebaldi withdrew from a production of 'Francesca da Rimini' at the San Francisco Opera, Leyla Gencer stepped in to perform the lead role. After the performances in San Francisco and Los Angeles, she signed a contract with the San Francisco Opera.

A Star is Born: Leyla Gencer's Triumphant Rise in the United States Opera Scene

Triumph at La Scala

Continuing Success

From Ankara to Milan, Conquering the Opera World

Continuing Success and International Engagements

Retirement and Artistic Contributions

Leyla Gencer bid farewell to the stage in 1985. From 1983 to 1988, she served as the general artistic director of the As. Li. Co. (Associazione Lirica e Concertistica Italiana). She received the Donizetti Prize on December 4, 1987. Between 1997 and 1998, she served as the director of the young artists' school at La Scala Chorus and later became the artistic director of the academy established for opera singers at La Scala Theatre until her passing. She also continued to give lessons on opera interpretation and served as a member of selection committees for international competitions, participating in festivals, seminars, and conferences. Leyla Gencer was the founder of the 'International Singing Competition' named after her, which has been held in Istanbul since 1995.

Farewell to a Legend

On May 10, 2008, Leyla Gencer, the Turkish Diva of Opera, bid her final goodbye at the age of 79. She peacefully passed away at her home in Milan, succumbing to heart and respiratory failure. Her departure marked the end of an era for the opera world. A grand ceremony was held at the Santa Babila Church in La Scala Opera House, paying tribute to her extraordinary talent and immense contributions. In accordance with her wishes, Leyla Gencer's body was cremated, and her ashes were brought back to Istanbul. A solemn ceremony took place between Dolmabahçe Palace and Dolmabahçe Mosque, where her ashes were scattered in the gentle waters of the Bosphorus, forever embracing the spirit of the Turkish Diva.

The Enduring Legacy of Leyla Gencer: A Musical Icon Inspiring Generations

Leyla Gencer's remarkable legacy as the Turkish Diva of Opera lives on, resonating with aspiring singers and music enthusiasts around the globe. Her extensive discography stands as a testament to her extraordinary talent, featuring unforgettable performances in notable operas by celebrated composers such as Donizetti, Mozart, Ponchielli, Zandonai, Rossini, and Verdi. Leyla Gencer's dedication to her craft, unparalleled artistry, and breathtaking vocal prowess have solidified her position as one of the most esteemed sopranos of the 20th century. In honor of her immeasurable contributions to the world of opera, the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts intends to establish the Leyla Gencer Museum, ensuring that her memory and legacy continue to inspire future generations of opera lovers and performers.