The story revolves around two best friends in their late 20s: Paige and Sasha. The ladies tried online dating one night, and went on separate dates.
Paige is an environmental lawyer. She had a good date with a young and charming doctor named Tim. While Sasha, on the other hand, is a struggling musician working as a receptionist. Unfortunately, Sasha's date ends in a disaster.
Sasha continues her dating journey but always ends up with failed relationships. Her best friend Paige continued dating the doctor she met. After some time, Tim proposes to Paige. As Paige accepts the proposal, Sasha begins to feel excluded.
Paige begins to focus more on Tim and their relationship, while Paige begins to feel that Sasha is acting childish. as Paige hates the girls Sasha dates and does not think much of her lack of direction.
Join Paige and Sasha in their journey towards love and friendship.