Master Yi’s Win Rate Plummets After Mid-patch 12.5 Goes Live

League of Legend’s latest patch was a big one and has brought a lot of changes to the Rift since hitting live servers last 9th March 2022. While the biggest focus of the patch was to mitigate the meta AD carries Aphelios, Jinx, and Zeri, there was another champion that received heavy nerfs.

The Wuju Bladesman, aka the right-click to win, no-brainer, solo-carry pentakiller, Master Yi. This champion takes over lower ELOs and slices through health bars like butter and this forced RIOT to step in and nerf him. But their futile effort to weaken his lethality build only served to make Master Yi stronger.

According to Lolalytics, after applying their previous changes, Master Yi went from 52.12% on patch 12.4 to a whopping 55% at all ranks on patch 12.5. He is literally unstoppable and sup[er OP. That’s why Riot decided to rush up a hotfix and try to slow the Bladesman down.

Master Yi was hit hard because of the nerfs not only to his damage and abilities but to his build as well. The nerf hammer really hit his Alpha Strike (Q), Wujuu Style (E), and Highlander (R), hard. 

This caused Master Yi’s win rate to plummet so hard. From a sky high of 55% to a puny 48.41%. Naturally, he is picked way less with a pick rate of 5.48%. Currently, Master Yi mains are on the lay low. We just have to wait for the next patch or patches before Master Yi gets some love.