This Turkish drama, adapted from the popular novel 'Madalyonun İçi' by Gulseren Budaycioglu, follows the intertwined lives of Inci and Han. Inci, a young girl who lives with her brother and grandfather, struggles with abandonment issues and a fear of being alone. She finds it difficult to break up with her alcoholic boyfriend, Uygar. On the other hand, Han is a successful businessman who dedicates his life to his family, including his father and three sisters: Safiye, Gulben, and Neriman. Safiye and Gulben have an obsession with cleanliness, causing complications in the lives of their family members. Inci and Han's paths cross when they get into a car accident, leading to a series of events that bring them closer. As their relationship develops, challenges arise, including Inci's integration into Han's family and the struggles caused by his sisters' cleaning obsession. Will Inci be able to navigate her new living situation and maintain her love for Han? Can Han protect Inci from his family dynamics? And will Safiye and Gulben find healing and regain a sense of normalcy? Find out in 'The Innocents' (Masumlar Apartmani) TV series.