Meg Bellamy Opens Up About Facing Bullying After Landing Kate Middleton Role

Meg Bellamy, who portrays Kate Middleton in the Netflix series 'The Crown,' recently shared her experiences of being bullied after taking on the role. Let's delve into the young actress's candid interview and hear her side of the story.

The Netflix series 'The Crown' concluded in December 2023.

The six-season series garnered praise from viewers with each season. However, it also faced harsh criticism for occasionally deviating from historical accuracy. Nevertheless, it has maintained its place among the most-watched series in recent years.

The series, which focuses on the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, drew significant attention with its large cast.

The most notable actor in the series was Meg Bellamy, who portrayed Kate Middleton in the 6th season.

It’s impossible not to notice 21-year-old Meg Bellamy since the character she portrays, Catherine, Princess of Wales, is currently one of the most important figures in the royal family.

As you may recall, Kate Middleton disappeared a few months ago, sparking numerous conspiracy theories.

However, it was later reported that she was undergoing cancer treatment.

As for Meg Bellamy, her struggles with this role have been widely covered in tabloid news.

According to Independent, the young actress faced significant difficulties due to internet trolls.

In an interview with Mail on Sunday’s You magazine, Bellamy stated,

'When I was first cast as Kate Middleton, I received a lot of negative comments on social media. Most of the comments said 'You are too fat to play Kate.' These comments upset me a lot, but they gave me an idea of what it’s like to be a woman in this industry. I learned that I shouldn’t pay attention to such comments because they were made by internet trolls or men named Gary who show off the fish they caught in their profile pictures.'