Be careful with communication! Misunderstandings can increase, and messages might be sent to the wrong people or groups.
Not only words but objects can also go missing… Packages may get lost, or you might find yourself unable to locate items in your house.
Past matters may resurface. This is the perfect time to use the excuse 'I called by mistake...' Unfinished relationships could confuse the future.
Technology could be problematic. It’s a good idea to back up your digital files as electronic devices can be strongly affected by planetary movements.
Travel may be delayed! You may experience transportation issues, get lost, or have your flight delayed.
If you have plans, it’s wise to leave early to avoid getting stuck in traffic, even in unlikely places.
Be extra cautious with details! Sudden decisions, signed contracts, and new partnerships require careful consideration during this period as we tend to be more prone to mistakes.
Pay attention to minor accidents and small injuries. Be extra cautious while driving and exercising.
For Aries, be especially careful during Mercury retrograde. Avoid being impulsive, hasty, or overly irritated. Otherwise, you may regret your actions, as small sparks could lead to major conflicts. In short, don’t give in to Aries' impulsiveness. According to Güner, “Don’t get carried away, stay calm.”
Finally, pay attention to job interviews and career changes. Secure your position and avoid taking risks.