NASA Discovers Ocean-Clad Water Planet in Deep Space!

NASA's latest discovery, unveiled by the James Webb Space Telescope, unveils a planet shrouded in entirely boiling oceans in deep space. Let's delve into the intriguing details revealed by NASA's groundbreaking observations:

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Discovery

New observations conducted by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope reveal the presence of chemical traces such as water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet located approximately 70 light-years away from Earth. With a diameter twice that of Earth, this distant planet is covered with oceans boiling at its surface.

Potential Water World

According to scientists at the University of Cambridge, the chemical traces suggest that the planet could be a water world, boasting an atmosphere rich in hydrogen. Research indicates that the temperature of the ocean covering the planet's surface could exceed 100 degrees Celsius.

Uncertainty Surrounding Habitability

While the ocean could remain in a liquid state at such temperatures, uncertainties persist regarding its habitability. Some researchers speculate that the surface temperature of the planet could reach around 4,000 degrees Celsius based on the chemicals detected in its atmosphere. Under such extreme conditions, the existence of a liquid ocean seems unlikely.

Speculations on Planetary Composition

Alternatively, it's theorized that the planet may have a rocky surface enveloped by a dense atmosphere of hydrogen and water vapor, devoid of a liquid ocean.