Netflix’s The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker tells the story of Kai Lawrence (formerly known as Caleb Lawrence McGilvary), a hitchhiker who received overnight fame across the internet in 2013. A hitchhiker moves around by acquiring free rides in other people’s vehicles. Most hitchhikers stand by the roadside and strive to make cars stop for negotiations.
In February 2013, Kai Lawrence, hitching a ride from Jett S. McBride, explained to Fox News that he witnessed McBride aiming to attack a woman who had been involved in a car accident and defended the woman by smashing the ‘attacker.’ Kai hailed himself as the savour in the story, leading to his sudden fame across the news until a video clip surfaced online with controversial details.
Kai Lawrence was charged with the first-degree murder of 74-year-old Jett S. McBride and sentenced to 57 years imprisonment. Netflix’s show will look deeper into the show with archival footage of the 2013 ordeals and Kai Lawrence’s interviews with various media platforms.