New Zealand Organization Accidentally Hands Out $600 Meth-Laced Candy

A shocking mix-up in New Zealand has led to a major scandal involving Auckland City Mission. The charity accidentally distributed candy laced with methamphetamine, each piece worth a staggering $600. Find out how this blunder occurred and the fallout from this alarming incident. Don’t miss the details of this jaw-dropping story!

The Auckland City Mission, a charity helping the homeless in Auckland, New Zealand, accidentally distributed candies containing a "lethal dose" of methamphetamine!

According to an official statement from the charity, the candies containing high doses of methamphetamine were donated by an unidentified individual.

The truth came to light when the charity was alerted due to the candies' "disgusting" taste.

Inspector Glenn Baldwin reported that three people, including staff who tasted the candies, were hospitalized. The hospitalized individuals are in good health and were discharged after treatment.

Ben Birks Ang, a spokesperson for the New Zealand Drug Foundation, revealed that tests showed each candy contained 300 times the usual amount of methamphetamine.

Ang noted that hiding drugs in candy-like products is a common smuggling technique.

Each candy was worth 1000 New Zealand dollars, approximately 600 dollars!

Ang believes the donation was accidental rather than from a conscious organization. Furthermore, it is still unknown how much of the donated candy contained methamphetamine over the past six weeks.

The candy company stated: "It may have been misused after production."

The company asserts that its products never contain illegal drugs. Authorities suspect the candies were used for illicit purposes after production. The cooperating company has agreed to closely monitor the process.