The star, Evan Rachel, and teammate Ashley Gore narrate Rachel's tale on alleged domestic violence and are on an operation to find justice on the case. Almost a decade later, the pair created a Phoenix Act (California) - a bill that lengthened the law of statute of restriction for three to five years for domestic violence cases.
Rachel Wood’s abuser Brian Warner (an artist), discredits the claims on abusing Wood or any other person. Until today, there are no charges that have been filed against Warner. Not long ago, Warner laid charges against Wood for fraud and defamation- this is one datable documentary!
You can't afford to miss the drama. Part 1 (Don't Fall) launches at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Tuesday, March 15 while part 2 (Stand Up) will be premiering on HBO Max this Wednesday, March 16, 2022, same time.