Raised by Wolves follows two androids entrusted with bringing up two human kids on a mysterious planet. The series has all the required ingredients for thrilling sci-fi, from stunning visuals, intriguing plotlines, and high-concept drama.
Its religious undertones and excellent storytelling are far from other shows in that genre—much credit for the high-risk approach towards creativity and artistic intelligence.
The show’s sudden cancellation is surprising because of its outstanding performance and remarkable way of delivering ideas. The previous season left its fans with many questions that surely need to be answered, if not now, later. Despite the apparent love for the series, several other unknown factors must have contributed to its cancellation.
It’s disappointing that the crew and cast confidently prepared and hoped for another installment. The showrunner, Aaron Guzikowski, revealed that he hasn’t stopped working on the series’ scripts and continues with life in the universe.