The film is top-billed by Reese Witherspoon as Elizabeth and Mark Ruffalo as David. Joining them are Donal Logue as Jack, Dina Spybey-Waters as Abby, Ben Shenkman as Brett, Jon Heder as Darryl, Ivana Milicevic as Katrina, Caroline Aaron as Grace Rosalind Chao as Fran, Ron Canada as Dr. Walsh, Willie Garson as Maitre D', Gabrielle Made as Nurse Maria, William Caploe as Nurse Bill, Shulie Cowen as Nurse Jenny, Billy Beck as Mr. Clarke, Diego Sebastian as Bandage Guy, Cristian Cruz as Orderly Luis, and Benjamin Hughes as Peroxide Rocker.
'Just Like Heaven' is directed by Mark Waters under DreamWorks SKG.
Drop your comment below if you have any thoughts on this romantic fantasy film 'Just Like Heaven' which will be streamed on Netflix on March 1st.