Revealing Television History's Most Hated Characters: The Verdict Is In!

The results are in! With over 20,000 votes cast, the most detested characters in television history have been unveiled. Are you curious to see if your expected contenders made the list? Let's dive into the revelations. 👇

Joffrey Baratheon - Game of Thrones:

Joffrey Baratheon from 'Game of Thrones' takes the top spot for his universally detested character, known for his arrogance, cruelty, and abuse of power as the king.

Ramsay Bolton - Game of Thrones:

Ramsay Bolton in 'Game of Thrones' is reviled for his sadistic and cruel behavior, particularly his treatment of others, including torture and brutality.

Shou Tucker - Fullmetal Alchemist:

Shou Tucker from 'Fullmetal Alchemist' is infamous for his unethical experiments, particularly involving his daughter and the creation of chimeras, leading to a dark and unsettling storyline.

Rachel Berry - Glee:

Rachel Berry from 'Glee' is considered by some as a self-centered and diva-like character, which has garnered her a fair share of disdain among viewers.

The Governor - The Walking Dead:

The Governor in 'The Walking Dead' is a character despised for his ruthlessness and manipulation, leading to conflicts with the main group of survivors.

Todd Alquist - Breaking Bad:

Todd Alquist in 'Breaking Bad' is disliked for his lack of moral compass and disturbing actions, making him a compelling yet repulsive character in the series.

Livia Soprano - The Sopranos:

Livia Soprano, from 'The Sopranos,' is remembered for her scheming and contentious relationship with her son, adding a layer of family drama to the crime series.

Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones:

Cersei Lannister, a prominent character in 'Game of Thrones,' is widely disliked for her manipulative and power-hungry nature, contributing to the show's intricate political drama.

Caillou - Caillou:

Caillou, the animated children's character, has gained notoriety for being whiny and annoying, often testing the patience of both children and parents alike.

Ed Peletier - The Walking Dead:

Ed Peletier from 'The Walking Dead' is remembered as an abusive and unpleasant character, particularly in his treatment of his wife and daughter.