Rakim Mayers, famously known as ASAP Rocky, was born on October 3, 1988. He is the son of Adrian Mayers and Renee Black. He started to be interested in music and rap in his primary days, and love and support were given to him by his parents because the community that they are in is surrounded by people who've been in contact with entertainment-related talents. Growing up surrounded by people in a musical and rap culture, Rocky was able to adapt to this kind of environment.
During his elementary days, who would have thought that Rocky would be starting to write his own rap songs? A third grader, as we expected, will be busy playing outdoors, but Rocky is different. He was a kid that loves to be associated with lyrics and beats and this led to him writing his very first own rap song.
He grew up to be associated with some problems when he was twelve years old, his father was caught and jailed for dealing illegal drugs his older brother was killed; after these kinds of challenges, Rocky, together with his mother and sister, moved out of their household and stayed in a shelter.
in order for them to continue with their lives while they’re moving to different shelters. Rocky supplied cannabis and crack and remained busy writing more rap songs. He was eventually caught and served two weeks in jail, sharing a prison cell with Casanova, a famous rapper today as well.