"Seksenler": Navigating 1980s Turkey Through Laughter, Love, and Family Ties

Step into a time capsule that whisks you back to the vibrant and spirited 1980s in Turkey. 'Seksenler,' a heartwarming Turkish television series, offers a delightful blend of family, romance, and comedy, captivating viewers with its relatable characters, nostalgic settings, and endearing stories. With over 348 episodes, this captivating series, broadcast on TRT 1, has become a beloved staple in the hearts of its audience, inviting them to immerse themselves in an era of distinct happiness, challenges, and heartfelt connections.

Family, Love, and Laughter: The Essence of "Seksenler"

At the heart of 'Seksenler' lies the central family unit, headed by Fehmi (Rasim Oztekin) and his wife Rukiye (Ozlem Turkad). Their middle-class life unfolds against the backdrop of a friendly neighborhood, portraying the simple joys and complexities of daily existence in the 1980s. The series masterfully weaves together moments of laughter, heartache, and togetherness, underscoring the enduring bonds that keep the family grounded.

Unforgettable Characters and Endearing Relationships

Ahmet (Soray Uzun) and Cagatay (Ilker Ayrik), Fehmi and Rukiye's sons, bring their own unique stories to the forefront. Ahmet's unrequited love for his sister's closest friend Gulden (Ayse Tolga) serves as a poignant reminder of youthful infatuation, while Cagatay navigates life's challenges with his own brand of humor and determination.

Meanwhile, Nazli (Yasemin Conka), the family's daughter, finds herself entangled in a complex love triangle. Her affection for her brother's closest friend, Ergun (Serhat Kilic), adds a layer of tension and tenderness to the narrative, as the characters navigate the delicate balance between friendship and romance.

Intertwining Narratives: Sahin's Journey and Innocent Love

Adding depth to the storyline, Sahin (Ceyhun Fersoy) brings an international perspective as he returns to Istanbul from Germany. His fleeting plans to go back home are reshaped by the unexpected power of love. Falling for Elvan (Begum Oner), a bakery shop worker, Sahin discovers that love knows no boundaries and is capable of transcending borders and time.


  • Rasim Oztekin as Fehmi

  • Ozlem Turkad as Rukiye

  • Soray Uzun as Ahmet

  • Ayse Tolga as Gulden

  • Yasemin Conka as Nazli

  • Ilker Ayrik as Cagatay

  • Ceyhun Fersoy as Sahin

  • Serhat Kilic as Ergun

  • Begum Oner as Elvan

  • Pelin Akil

  • Berat Yenilmez as Sami

  • Haci Ali Konuk as Bekir

  • Hakan Bulut as Ali

  • Mahir Ipek as Suat

  • Kemal Kurucay as Seyfi

  • Kemal Zeydan as Zeynel Buyukses