South Korean Lab-Grown Gelatin Tastes Just Like Real Meat

A new development in the field of lab-grown meat, commonly known as 'artificial meat,' has emerged. A study from South Korea reveals that a new lab-produced culture can give lab-grown gelatin the taste of real meat.

Recently, new human skin that can be transferred to robots has been developed.

With this pink skin, robots can achieve a more human-like appearance. Facial expressions can also be displayed in a more realistic manner.

Another new product resembling artificial human skin has been created.

The pink gelatin you see here was actually developed to give artificial meats the flavor of real meat. In a study conducted in South Korea, a new culture was produced in the lab. The biggest feature of this gelatin is its ability to provide artificial meats with the taste of real meat.

Artificial meats are produced by growing animal stem cells in a nutrient-rich liquid.

Compared to traditional animal farming, this method uses less land, feed, and water. It also eliminates the need for farm animals.

However, there are many problems associated with artificial meat.

While there are institutions that currently produce artificial meat, the process is quite costly. Additionally, mass production of these meats is not yet feasible.

The biggest issue with cultured meats is their taste.

Artificial meats do not come close to the taste of real meat. Since the goal is for artificial meat to replace the meat we currently consume, taste is quite important. Recent studies indicate that the taste of artificial meat is getting closer to that of real meat. A person who tried artificial meat produced with this new culture notes that while it does not perfectly mimic the taste of real meat, it is an improvement over previous attempts.