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Study Finds People Who Use Emojis Have Higher Emotional Intelligence

Kapak Görseli

In today’s digital age, emojis have become an essential part of our daily messaging. But have you ever wondered what it really means when your partner or friend uses emojis in their texts? A recent study conducted by Indiana University reveals a fascinating finding – people who use emojis are actually more emotionally intelligent than those who don’t! It turns out there’s much more going on beneath the surface than we realize. Let’s dive into the details of this intriguing research and uncover the surprising connection!

As you can appreciate, communication through texting and calling is extremely important in relationships. The ability for partners to instantly reach each other is a significant necessity.

As you can appreciate, communication through texting and calling is extremely important in relationships. The ability for partners to instantly reach each other is a significant necessity. Görseli

A recent study revealed an interesting detail about texting between partners.

A recent study revealed an interesting detail about texting between partners. Görseli

Researchers at Indiana University found that individuals who use a lot of emojis tend to have "advanced" emotional intelligence.

On the other hand, those who use fewer emojis were associated with "avoidant attachment." This means they protect themselves from forming emotional connections and tend to focus on themselves.

The study participants wrote in the Plos One journal on Wednesday, "This is the first study to examine emoji usage in relation to individuals' communication skills and interpersonal relationships."

Every day, more than 10 billion emojis are sent worldwide. The researchers found that women use these emojis more frequently with their friends and family than men do.

On the other hand, women with higher avoidant attachment levels send and receive fewer emojis with their friends and partners, while men with high avoidant attachment levels send fewer emojis to their partners.