Study Shows Significant Decline in Men's IQ Post-Marriage

A recent study suggests that men experience a notable decline in IQ levels after getting married. The research found that while unmarried men have an average IQ of 101, the average IQ levels of married men gradually decreased to 96 over time.

The institution of marriage is often viewed as a cornerstone in many societies.

The concept of family is considered sacred by many individuals. Consequently, numerous studies delve into both the family and marriage, aiming to understand their dynamics and impacts on individuals.

Some studies have shown that singles can be just as happy as married couples, and that marriage doesn't necessarily make people happier or healthier.

Research has even suggested that singles may experience greater happiness than married individuals.

A recent study has brought forth a new perspective, indicating a decline in men's IQ levels after marriage.

While unmarried men have an average IQ of 101, the study found that the average IQ levels of married men decreased over time to around 96. This insight adds to the ongoing discussion about the effects of marital status on cognitive abilities and overall well-being.